Monday, November 26, 2007


Christmas season has offically arrived at our house. Our annual tree decorating dinner (always ham and scalloped potatoes) and trip down memory lane was enjoyed last night by our family (sans Billy, who was really missed!). Steve read the Christmas story from Luke and then Kenny read some too (good job Ken!). In preparing for this post, I came across some pictures of previous years and I couldn't believe how much the kids had grown. I will try to post a few in a future post. Time slips by so fast. Be careful not to blink! They seem to grow in that nano-second that your eyes are closed!

the fam


Starrs In Denver said...

Thanks for the comments Robin! Your blog is so great. I am totally enjoying it.

Don't you just love setting up the tree and enjoying the glow of the lights in the evening? Ahhhhh.

Well, time to get my kiddos in bed. Desi flew out to CA around noon today and will be back Monday night. I'm just praying the kids sleep through the night! We had three up last night.

I loved meeting you again and now have a face with the name!
Happy December!

Billy said...

I miss those times...I love all of you I am always thinking about you guys